Formulario de puntuación SATCo en español

Physiotherapists from the University of Coruña, Spain, AUPA and Optimi have collaborated to produce a Spanish translation of the SATCo score form.  It is free to download on the SATCo page and will help to spread the word about SATCo and Targeted Training.

New Video

A new 50 min video has been added on the SATCo page discussing Therapy benches, SATCo and Targeted Training.

Easier Navigation

To improve access to pages beyond the Home page you can now click on the big red circle at the top of the Home page.  This will open a Navigation screen with buttons for all the main section.  Please note that if you click for a section you are not entitled to access...

Scoring the SATCo

New material added providing video and downloads on scoring the SATCo including the score sheet.

SATCo Pelvic Straps

The SATCo page has been expanded with a suggestion on how to secure the pelvis.

New SATCo page

We have added a link to a new page about SATCo giving basic information. We plan that new material will be added from time to time.